Wednesday, September 16, 2015

FEM is on the horizon!

Currently working on FEM.

Tetrahedralize Modifier Fixed!

I made a very very stupid mistake i forgot to set my meshes verts and faces to be the Tetrahedron count times 4 because each Tetrahedron takes 4 faces and 4 verts.

Each tetrahedron is a element.

The Tetrahedralize Modifier

Today i finished 90% of the Tetrahedralize Modifier which will generate meshes for the FEM Solver.
The only problem i'm facing with the Modifier is that it doesn't generate a Tetrahedral on a per element basis. For the FEM Solver we need separate elements per Tetrahedral. After I finish this I'll be finish with the FEM Solver.

These are the types of meshes the modifier can generate!

Cohesive Castle Deformation

Interesting Effect.

Cohesive Bubble Castle

You can get very interesting results playing with granular cohesion and low mass.

AlphaVFX Development

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